
Mauricio Kagel 1931–2008 
Match for three playlers

Ellen Reid *1983 
Stellar Remnants for Violoncello and Electronic

Benjamin Britten 1913–1976 
Suite for Violoncello solo No. 3

A fast-paced concert await the audience of Match!. Somewhere between the concert hall and the stage, Mauricio Kageln has composed a brilliant battle between two string-players with a percussionist playing the referee. The programme will also include two works for cello by Ellen Reid and Benjamin Britten.

Jakob Spahn, Johannes Moser, Carlos Vera Larrucea sowie Statisterie der Bayerischen Staatsoper

Regie: Giulia Giammona
Bühne und Kostüme: Linda Sollacher
Dramaturgie: Malte Krasting
Licht: Bene Zehm

Festspielwerkstatt der Bayerischen Staatsoper, Reithalle München